As we all know that, writing is a form of art and behind every great piece of art there is an inspiration, theme, or motif. When a writer begins writing, there is a pre-existing idea in his mind that drives him to write. Many writers like Dr. Nicolas Kimaz N.D , for that fact, chose to write about the theme of acceptance and recognition. This is because these writers have been facing similar situations in their lives or because they have encountered somebody who is in the search for identity. The theme of ‘Acceptance’ is an impactful theme as it is quite universal. Just think for once a life without purpose and you will start feeling empty. The same thing happens with someone who doesn’t know where he belongs, who is his heir, and so on. Every one of us, in our lives, at some point feel lost and struggles to find the purpose of life just like Dr. Nicolas Kimaz N.D did. But, a few of us could attain it at an early stage. This is what makes us have a sense of belongingness
Are you thinking of starting your career as a life coach? Well, that is not as easy as you think it to be. For becoming a life coach it requires you to have a lot of things in you because once you become a life coach people will consider you as their idol. Thus, the one who is thinking of coaching others should himself has several good qualities in him. The journey of becoming a life coach like Nicolas Kimaz is not a piece of cake but you need to be a totally different version of yourself other than attaining the required training or certification. Therefore, I have listed some of the essential things that one must possess or fulfill to become a life coach. The first essential thing in this field is choosing a niche. This niche could be anything that you are interested in. It should be something that you are best at so that you can train about it to others. Secondly, you need to enroll yourself in a training program of that specific niche that you have chosen. After t